
Hello, I am Elisé Kamtchoum Wamen and I am currently studying civil engineering I'm also the International Affairs Officer for the AStA at KIT.
Through my commitment, I would like to work towards ensuring that all international students at KIT can complete their studies successfully.
What are the concerns of the International Affairs Office?
The International Affairs Office has the task of representing and communicating the interests and needs of all foreign students and students with a migration background at KIT. This requires close cooperation with the International Office, the Studienkolleg and the Foreigners' Registration Office. My activities include, among others:
- Support and help in dealing with social and legal problems: Residence and work permits, financial difficulties, housing, job search, insurance, filling out forms, etc.
- Counselling for study-related concerns: Admission, entry into studies, organisation of studies, difficulties in the further course of studies, change of subject.
- Support and coordination of the German courses of the AStA.
What specifically do I offer and do as the International Affairs Officer?
- Counselling for international students, e.g. official procedures (residence, visa, etc).
- maintaining contact with the International Students Office (IStO), the Studienkolleg (STK) of KIT and the International Student Center (ISC) of the Studierendenwerk.
- to represent the AStA at welcoming events for international students.
- to support events organised by international groups.
- to network and support international university groups (HSG).